

Freelance: Digital skills with high demand in Dropshipping

It’s not a secret to anyone that the current demand for designers and digital workers has notably increased for various reasons, including the pandemic. Which has made many companies realize the importance of digitalizing their business models and sales.

However, if there is this substantial global demand for digital workers, what specific services is the market requiring? And what are the flagship services that you could offer or advertise as a designer to companies dedicated to dropshipping?

The dropshipping business model is constantly growing around the world. Internet sales models are evolving and innovating, increasing the demand for specific digital services in this business model. If you have any design skills, this could be a great opportunity to showcase your abilities on freelancer and digital nomad platforms such as the Waco App or offer your services directly to potential dropshipping customers.

Now let me tell you what kind of services you can offer if you have digital and design skills

High-demand services that dropshipping companies are looking for:


1. Landing page designs, or landing pages focused on sales

All companies dedicated to dropshipping focus on these types of websites to redirect their ad traffic on the internet. Follow these recommendations to improve your landing page designs.

2. Designing advertisement pieces for paid ads.

It’s important to have a landing page, but it’s a must to have graphic and audiovisual elements that, ultimately, are what move the world of dropshipping ads. Offering this type of service in a package containing several pieces per product can be a great hook to close deals with these types of clients.

3. Creating and administrating social media accounts.

Social networks are the main communication channel for companies dedicated to dropshipping. Therefore, the creation and administration of these channels are of utmost importance for this sector.

You can create standardized packages where you include graphic elements, delivery times, and steps to follow for the execution of the service. Likewise, establish the cost to be charged without forgetting to review the average rates found in the market.

Focusing on a specific niche or service can help you speed up execution times, and even optimize and improve the service.

The possibilities of services for specific sectors are endless. With little research, you can find many opportunities for the creation of standardized services that you can publish on platforms such as the Waco App or in any digital services marketplace.

If you want to become a digital nomad, set up your digital agency to offer and sell your services and collaborate on projects with other nomads, sign up for free here: https://nomads.wacohub.com/


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